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  The bitter emperor Aon extends his empire and religion from the northern regions. He is the cursed Anam, because he incarnates in one being two souls, the Spirit of Cold and the Spirit of Darkness, fact that has caused the imbalance in the world. Since he was born, natural disasters and rejection from people brought great suffering to him. He therefore creates a cult that foretells the birth of a unique Anam, that will embody all the spirits of the elements in a single almighty being. To do this he must capture all the Anam and sacrifice himself with them in a mystical ritual.

  He is, originally, an intelligent and wise man that studied the oldest elf writings in order to find a solution to their curse. However, after having faced the other Anam, his brothers, during the Great 6 Years War, his heart has cooled and darkened, and his mind has become twisted. At the same time, he has developed an immense power that he doesn’t hesitate to use to capture the rest of the Anam.

  In spite of being a cold and cruel man, he firmly believes in his prophecy and will do everything possible to comply with the objective of restoring the harmony of the world.

© 2012  Abel Gongora

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