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  She is the adopted daughter of the chief of the Foraï people, guardians of the forest. Their philosophy is based in the respect of nature and the living beings and the conservation of the forest, which is a sacred place for them. Even if the Foraï are half-human, half-animal beings, Irune have grown up between them and has been accepted as one of them, no matter of her appearance.

  Irune’s biological father was one of the Seven Anam, and her mother a great lady elf. When she was born, they were forced to hide her in the village of the forest to save her life. That makes her a unique being with very special powers. She has the ability of listening to the trees and communicate with animals.

  She’s a brave and resolute girl that loves her adoptive father and her people, however she detests humans, she considers them selfish and greedy beings. Thanks to Eidan, she learns how to perceive the virtues of people and comes to accept she’s partly human too.


© 2012  Abel Gongora

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